Orthopaedic surgery can relieve pain and improve function, allowing patients to return to their normal lives. Because pain impairs people's ability to function, the two frequently coexist. A stiff hip, for example, will prevent people from walking, standing, or sitting comfortably, rather than the extent of arthritis in the hip itself. Only in rare cases does arthritis become severe enough to fuse the hip, preventing movement. Pain serves a protective function in the body. When we injure ourselves, the pain we experience reminds us not to use (and thus injure) the injured area. One of the most significant benefits of modern orthopaedics is that we now have effective treatments for a wide range of extremely painful and disabling conditions. A microdiscectomy, for instance, is an effective sciatica medicine. A small incision is used to remove the disc fragment that is causing nerve inflammation and irritation. This procedure, which takes less than an hour and often only requires an overnight stay, relieves leg pain dramatically, and patients can resume most of their normal activities within a few weeks of surgery. Some of the most significant advances in joint replacement have occurred. We now have effective replacement parts for the majority of the body's major joints. Approaches to these operations have been refined over time, and they are generally muscle-sparing, allowing for a rapid return to normal function with a three to a four-day hospital stay. Many of the issues that previously plagued joint replacement surgery have been addressed. Infection rates are now very low, and effective coagulation therapy is available to avoid complications from deep vein thrombosis.