Laparoscopic surgery has several advantages. Smaller incisions and less overall cutting are required for this type of surgery. As a result, you are compensated for your recovery, the length of your hospital stay, and scarring. Shorter hospital stay, fewer internal scars, smaller external scars, scars healing faster, less pain, and quicker return to activities are all advantages of laparoscopic surgery. It is critical for a patient to have a thorough understanding of the procedures. Your surgeon is the best person to provide you with this information. Discuss your case with your surgeon and inquire about the benefits and drawbacks of each procedure to determine which is best for you. A tiny video camera and surgical instruments are inserted into the abdomen through several very small incisions during the laparoscopic procedure. The entire procedure is carried out by the surgeon while being observed through the camera. The video camera-connected laparoscope provides the surgeon with a magnified, more precise view of the patient's abdominal area.