A medical speciality called otolaryngology deals with problems with the throat, nose, and ears. Specialists in this area have received both medical and surgical training. These medical professionals are referred to as ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors since otolaryngology deals with the ears, nose, and throat. The ear, nose, throat, larynx, and sinuses fall under the therapeutic areas of an ENT doctor. ENT specialists may treat illnesses affecting these regions and structures and, if required, conduct surgery on the affected structures, unlike other doctors who can only treat such conditions medically. When medicines and non-invasive therapies fail to make the situation better, surgery will be required. Injuries and abnormalities can be treated through ENT surgery. When medical treatments fail to successfully treat chronic sinus infections, surgery for the sinuses may be the only option left. The surgery is carried out by the ENT surgeon to enlarge the sinus holes so that they can drain. This technique enhances sinus function while lowering the risk of infection.