Surgical oncology is a branch of medicine that treats cancer using surgery. Its primary purpose is to locate and remove dangerous malignancies in your body. Surgical oncologists can also determine whether you have cancer or whether it has spread to other parts of your body.Oncologists are doctors who specialize in cancer prevention and treatment. They collaborate with your primary care physician to develop a treatment plan for you. Surgical oncologists utilize surgery to treat your cancer. Their primary responsibility is to eliminate tumors and adjacent tissue that contains cancer cells. They also perform biopsies, which determine whether or not you have cancer and how bad it is. Surgical oncology can benefit people in the early stages of cancer or when the disease has progressed. If you are at high risk of developing the disease in a specific area of your body, a surgical oncologist can perform a procedure to prevent it. They remove precancerous or cancerous tissue from the affected area. For example, certain women with a significant family history of breast or ovarian cancer, as well as mutations in genes linked to the disease, may work with a surgical oncologist to have their breasts removed before cancer develops.